Nursery provides care for children up to three years old during each scheduled church service. It is the goal of nursery to create a safe and nurturing environment in which children may play while their parents enjoy the service. Nursery is available for infants and children up to three years of age.

We count it a huge privilege to watch your children! All children must be signed in by an adult, who will be issued a number, so that the parent may be called during the church service. In order to pick up the child after church, the same parent who signed the child in must be the one who signs their child out of nursery.

Children exhibiting signs of sickness (ie; fever, runny nose, etc.) may not be admitted into the nursery in order to protect the wellness of the other infants and toddlers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting you and your children.